Unlocking the Power of Decentralized Finance for Every Merchant
Harness control with an advanced merchant dashboard for in-depth insights and comprehensive management. Customize the checkout experience to echo your brand's distinctive essence, elevating customer engagement and loyalty. Utilized multichain availability. Everything at zero cost..
Revamping your online payment options is crucial for business growth, and BingoXpay is designed to enhance this aspect.
Revamping your online payment options is crucial for business growth, and BingoXpay is designed to enhance this aspect.
Zero Knowledge Checkout
Seamlessly Accept Digital Currencies as Payments, No Expertise Required
With BingoXpay's Zero Knowledge Checkout, dive into effortless transactions without needing to understand the intricacies of blockchain. It's our intuitive, user-friendly gateway to digital payments, ensuring anyone can navigate the world of Web3 with ease. Simplify your payment process, no technical knowledge required

Supports variety of Blockchains you prefer.

With Native and Stables, ecosystem tokens matters, its financial freedom.

The most trusted crypto app
Buy, store, swap and spend cryptocurrency all in one app. Turn Bitcoin into dollars with the BitPay crypto debit card. Earn cash back automatically.
Buy cryptocurrency instantly. Fast, easy and secure
Sign up to buy crypto at great rates. Buy, store, swap and spend your favorite crypto all in one secure app. Buy crypto with a credit card, debit card or Apple Pay. No hidden fees.
Pay your bills with crypto
Make bill payments on everything from credit cards to mortgages, all with the convenience and smooth experience that only blockchain payments can provide.
Unique Advantages of BingoXPay Card
Cryptocurrency credit cards have never been so safe and convenient
Low Risk
0 risk of frozen card
Fully compliant and legal payment method with USD payment channel Mastercard, Visa, JCB etc.
Independent KYC system of Hong Kong
KYC system has been connected with United Nations Anti-Money Laundering Risk Control System Increase security of your funds
Absolute security and privacy of assets
Adopted MPC wallet technology Make sure that only you can query card information
Convenient payment multi-currency support
Dozens of mainstream currencies will be supported in the future Topping up balance and immediate swiping with it
Features of BingoXPay CARD
Diverse payment scenarios, cryptocurrency payment has never been easier
Global payment for international travel
Our service supports local currency withdrawals in more than 170 countries, ensure global travel with comfort
Oversea shopping and service at hand
Payments on Amazon, ChatGPT and other international mainstream platforms and tools are supported
International Transfer
For our premium users, we provide trust account services to make global transfers even easier
International business
Cross-border financial settlement for cross-border e-commerce business is supported
BingoXPay Credit Card
Open for global application
Lower cost application Lower commission fee
Market price 1 card = 200USDT
Real-time USDT exchange rate
Seamless connection
Paypal, Apple Pay, Alipay, Wechat Pay supported
Payment with USDT directly
No OTC required
Convenient and practical
BingoXPay cooperated with
Frequently Asked Questions

BingoXpay is a blockchain-based payment platform designed to facilitate seamless, secure, and efficient transactions for merchants and consumers alike. Utilizing advanced blockchain technology, BingoXpay supports multiple cryptocurrencies across various chains, offering users a versatile payment solution. Users can easily make payments or receive funds through our user-friendly interface, which includes features like a merchant dashboard, POS solutions, and customizable checkout links.

BingoXpay prides itself on its multi-chain support, accommodating a wide range of cryptocurrencies including but not limited to Solana, Polygon, BNB, Base and Blast. Our platform is continuously expanding its list of supported blockchains to provide users with more flexibility and options for their payment needs.

Merchants can easily integrate BingoXpay into their businesses by signing up on our platform and setting up their merchant account. From there, merchants have access to a comprehensive suite of tools including a customizable POS system, an advanced dashboard for managing orders and tracking sales, and custom checkout links that can be integrated into their online stores or used in physical retail settings.

BingoXpay utilizes state-of-the-art encryption and blockchain technology to ensure that all transactions are secure and verifiable on the blockchain. Additionally, BingoXpay leverages decentralized oracles for real-time price feeds, ensuring accurate and tamper-proof transaction values. Users can transact with confidence, knowing their data and funds are protected by the latest in security measures.

BingoXpay provides comprehensive customer support for both merchants and users. Our dedicated support team is available to assist with setup, troubleshooting, and any questions that may arise, ensuring a smooth and satisfactory experience on our platform. Users and Merchants can create tickets directly from our Discord channel, Later we will setup Zendesk for dedicated ticketing support.

Yes, BingoXpay offers various incentives to encourage regular use of our platform. These include rewards for frequent transactions, referral bonuses for inviting new users and merchants, and occasional promotions offering reduced fees or special rewards. Our incentive programs are designed to benefit both merchants and consumers who actively engage with our ecosystem. All Rewards will be allocated in BingoXpay tokens.
Smooth Payment Wallet Experience